Antony's 4th Legion
Los 4012
Mark Antony, 44-30 BC. Denarius (Silver, 16 mm, 3.64 g, 6 h), military mint moving with Mark Antony (Patrae?), 32-31. ANT AVG - III VIR R P C Galley right, with scepter tied with fillet on prow. Rev. LEG IV Aquila between two signa. Babelon (Antonia) 108. Crawford 544/17. CRI 352. RBW -. Sydenham 1219. Fresh, clear and very well struck. The reverse struck slightly off center and with a die break, otherwise, extremely fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Legio IV Scythica was raised by Antony in late 43 or 42 BC. It is believed that it fought against the Parthians and later, with distinction, against the Scythians, as indicated by its epithet. It was one of the few of Antony's legions to survive Octavian reforms after Actium, being transferred to Moesia and later to the East, where it fought in many of the Parthian wars. Interestingly, this legion is referenced both as LEG IIII and LEG IV on Antony's legionary series, a numbering format that would soon fall into disuse until revived in modern times.
150 CHF
750 CHF
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